Guidance on waste procedures regarding pesticide amnesties

Collection of pesticides as part of pesticide amnesties

Pesticides collected under pesticide amnesties are regarded as hazardous waste and here is guidance on consignment notes and legal duties required on producers, holders and receivers of the pesticide waste are here:


The pesticide regulations and BASIS have standards for storage of hazardous waste and for the flammables, for example there is HSG51 etc, but it is suggested that CIRIA 736 may be useful for designing on farm pesticide stores.


The Non Waste Framework Directive has exemptions for storage of waste at the site of production, for example when pesticides are taken out of a pesticide store and moved for collection before an amnesty, further details are here: this does not need to be registered but the conditions must be complied with. The storage and requirements of the Pesticide Regulations will need to be complied with anyway, i.e. illegal to store pesticides that have been withdrawn for any period after the last use up date,  and the exemption is relating to those pesticides that are waste because they are obsolete or otherwise unsuitable for use as a pesticide before the end of an expiry date.