Joint VI / AHDB Beverley Monitor Farm Summer Walk provides interesting discussion

Today, AHDB's Beverley Monitor Farm hosted a joint farm walk with the Voluntary Initiative (VI), where we discussed some topical issues around water, future land use changes and improving nitrogen use efficiency.

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Held at Hall Farm, Routh, Beverley, East Yorkshire today, 3rd July and organised by Izzie Eames (KT Manager, AHDB) and Neal Evans (Ops Dir, VI), the AHDB Beverley Monitor farm summer walk consisted of some excellent talks at various stations around the farm and generated some great discussions covering a range of current farming issues.

Topics covered were:

  • Discussion around future land use and cropping changes at the Beverley Monitor Farm with Will Jones (Yorkshire Farms Manager, Albanwise)
  • Visiting the nitrogen use efficiency trial with Clive Blacker (Ag Analyst) to consider RB209 vs in-field measurement and getting more from your soil
  • Water quality with Gemma Nicholson and Paul Speight (Yorkshire Water) talking nitrates, phosphates and plant protection products (PPP's)
  • Phil Jarvis (Voluntary Initiative Chair & Albanwise) and Neal Evans (VI): How can we work collaboratively to protect water and ensure best practice use of PPP's? 
  • Management of environmental stewardship with Ian Gould (Oakbank): planning, opportunities and watchpoints.  Cropping decisions and SFI.
  • Sarah Aitkin (Head Environmental Officer, Albanwise Yorkshire) on plans to extend existing wetlands through a long term landscape recovery project and incorporating a livestock venture.


Phil Jarvis and Izzie Eames

Phil Jarvis (VI/Albanwise) and Izzy Eames (AHDB) outlining the day's agenda and Phil explaining about the varied work of the VI


Will Jones

Will Jones (Albanwise, Yorkshire Manager) introducing the farm and some of the flooding issues of recent years.


Clive Blacker

Clive Blacker (Ag Analyst) talking Nitrogen Use Efficiency


Gemma Nicholson

Gemma Nicholson (Yorkshire Water) explains aquafers, nitrate pollution and plant protection product use and the need for best practice.


Sarah Aitkin

Sarah Aitkin (Albanwise Environmental) explaining plans to build on exisiting wetlands through a long-term landscape recovery programme.


The Leven Canal

Discussing the Leven Canal, proximity to the River Hull and landscape recovery


Deep in discussion, Phil Jarvis

Deep in discussion with Phil Jarvis